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Add-on ( Made by Damien) Change Order of Reviews

Learning cards review in ineffective order

Hi, I've been using anki daily for 2 years, but I recently changed my strategy to spending less time on each card. The problem is after a written report session I'll take say l cards that are "learning" and that I've marked "once more". Side by side fourth dimension I report I tin can't get through these fifty cards considering I'll mark the first "again" and I won't run across that card until I've marked all fifty cards "again", by which stage I've forgotten the first card that I marked "again". I end upwards cycling through the 50 cards and never learning anything because I won't see the card for such a long time.
If anki showed me the menu I most recently marked again, that would solve the trouble every bit I'd see the bill of fare very soon. But instead I think Anki shows the menu I least recently marked once again, so I've been forced to bury or falsely answer yes on cards to reduce the number down from 50 .
Is information technology possible to change the order that learning cards are shown in? Perchance I'll make lots of little decks and then that none of them can build up to huge numbers of learning cards wanting to evidence up.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Damien Elmes on twenty Mar, 2017 09:53 AM

    Damien Elmes's Avatar

    Hi Jacob,

    Learning cards are shown after the delay you've prepare in the learning steps. Yous appear to have used quite a few learning steps of varying intervals, and this is probably contributing to your backlog. Actress learning steps can help to reinforce new material, only they hateful y'all end up having to do more piece of work each 24-hour interval - you may want to call up about reducing the number of them you use and reducing the filibuster on them - in our feel once a menu has been remembered for 10 minutes there's a skilful chance you'll retrieve information technology the next twenty-four hour period.

  2. 2 Posted by enkiko on 20 Mar, 2017 10:47 AM

    enkiko's Avatar

    Thankyou for your advice Damien. "Learning cards are shown after the delay yous've gear up in the learning steps" - And what if multiple cards want to show at the same time? How does anki determine which to evidence?

    I tin can try your advice, but I feel my years of daily written report hasn't given me whatever confidence that I can remember a card after reaching 10 minutes. It too doesn't gel with my basic understanding of how memory works, simply peradventure you take a better understanding.
    Too, if I exercise a 500 review study session over a 15 minute catamenia, isn't it quite easy that I would have 50 cards on step i, regardless of how many learning steps I have? If I charge per unit half of them "ane", then I'd have rated "one" 250 times. I charge per unit cards faster than they come back, so the pile volition build up as I study. And equally the pile builds up, my accuracy rate goes down and the problem would feed into itself. I'grand predicting even if I reduce the learning steps to 2 or iii, I'll take a massive pile rated 1 after a study session.

    Information technology's a big enough outcome that I'll look into whether I could write an add-on to fix it. I'one thousand not quite comfortable with giving up on written report methods I've been using so much for long. I'd just like information technology that if I tell anki to testify me a carte du jour in three seconds, that it'd prove me it in 3 seconds, just information technology refuses to do that until it's shown me all this stuff I've completely forgotten.

    Once more, thankyou

  3. iii Posted by enkiko on 21 Mar, 2017 05:25 AM

    enkiko's Avatar

    Yeah, changing the learning steps won't ready the trouble because cards that are farther along the learning process volition just get a expert when I come across them and very apace all I'm left with is a huge stack of cards on step 1. If all the cards are on stride ane, the number of steps I have is of no outcome. They will all remain on step i because I will never run across whatsoever of them quickly enough to recollect. Does this not seem similar the sort of problem that could crusade bug for lots of people? I experience it's a design flaw, surely a lot of people have knowingly or unknowingly been in the situation where they never run across cards fast enough to call up them and anki provides nothing to deal with that.
    I'm sorry if I'm missing something? Is at that place a reason information technology doesn't show y'all the card you nearly recently reviewed when selecting which learning carte du jour to show you. At least with review cards you tin control the order it shows them (I don't use this feature though since information technology doesn't thing which order you do review cards).

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Damien Elmes on 21 Mar, 2017 12:11 PM

    Damien Elmes's Avatar

    Learning cards are shown in the lodge they become due, and so if one learning card is scheduled for 10 minutes and and then another few are failed and scheduled for ane infinitesimal, they'll show up before the 10 minute one does.

    Yous should set the failure delay to something advisable to your review speed and recall rate. If you're averaging say 20% failures on new and learning cards and manage to review 30 cards a minute, with the default one minute delay your learning queue won't abound much above 6 before learning cards beginning getting shown once again.

  5. 5 Posted past enkiko on 21 Mar, 2017 01:39 PM

    enkiko's Avatar

    Right, so learning steps are a source of the actress 1 step cards. But the fact that I got all those learning step cards wrong and knocked them dorsum to 1 step shows that at that place's no way in hell I can remember a card later I've marked it for 10 minutes. If I let cards similar that go to review I'll accept lapses left and correct. Personally I've put my beginning step at three or six seconds. That's 1% of x minutes so I definitely need a step betwixt half dozen seconds and 10 minutes.

    Anyway, y'all say "in the social club they go due", just what if multiple cards are due? Why can't anki simply show the card most recently reviewed out of the due cards? I wrote myself an addon to practise this, hopefully it's non besides buggy.

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted past Damien Elmes on 22 Mar, 2017 09:58 AM

    Damien Elmes's Avatar

    If you're not interesting in listening to my suggestion to reduce the number of learning steps you lot're using, information technology sounds like making an add-on that makes Anki behave the way yous think it should is your best bet.

  7. 7 Posted past Vit on 23 Mar, 2017 04:twoscore AM

    Vit's Avatar

    I did apply .05 .1 .two .5 and more Steps to learn 35 Hiragana symbols
    and did not experience the problem you are describing.

    2 points come to mind:
    * you lot have the Learn alee Limit at default setting.
    * If you let the learning carte du jour 'cross the day'south purlieusit will be placed Tomorrow at theend of Review queue`.

    I trick i employed - made 3 Options groups to cover the gap between seconds Steps
    and Hours step and 3 corresponding decks: for small steps; medium; and larger steps.
    I was content and had excellent results.

    Can you delight share your addon even if it is buggy.

    All-time Regards

  8. eight Posted by enkiko on 24 Mar, 2017 12:06 PM

    enkiko's Avatar

    @Damien, I never said I wasn't interested in anything. My life revolves around anki, it'due south only natural I'd be interested in whatever ways to improve my report. Especially since this problem was putting me through hell. Thankyou again.

    @Vit, I've shared my addon here
    It'southward improved my study beyond my wildest dreams, I'm completely stoked. I've been questioning the condition quo because if noone tin can justify the current organisation, so aren't thousands of anki users missing out on a potentially better system? Whether or not putting the least overdue cards showtime is better, there should at least exist a argue on the matter for the sake of those masses who could be benefiting.
    And Vit, I accept "learn ahead" at 0. I find information technology interesting yous didn't feel the same problem as me, did you at least find upon returning to study later a break that you had to mark everything "once more" (at which bespeak you would have a off-white few more cards on footstep 1 than is healthy)

  9. 9 Posted by Vit on 25 Mar, 2017 02:xxx AM

    Vit's Avatar

    Thaks for the improver, i did recognize information technology.

    I find it interesting y'all didn't experience the same trouble as me, did you at least find upon returning to study after a interruption that you lot had to marker everything "again"...

    I never let my steps to cantankerous-over the day'southward end line.
    Besides, i had only 35 cards.

    I will test your addition but to show the 'masses' if there is something non so kosher is happening unnoticed. You are the only user , ever, to bring it up. What 'y'all' do not know does hurt you.


  10. 10 Posted by enkiko on 25 Mar, 2017 04:41 AM

    enkiko's Avatar

    And thank you to your advice about "learning" cards going backside reviews if they cross the mean solar day barrier, I downloaded the addon to rectify that effect. I recall learning cards are inherently higher priority than reviews, and then this volition surely improve my study. (and if I don't get through all my reviews wouldn't that mean I'd keep missing out on a high priority menu) And then thankyou

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